SPED Coordinator
(575) 745-2056
Send Email to Angelica

Student Services
Research has demonstrated that early intervention is the best, most effective kind of help. We are here to help.
English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Language Development (ELD) is a program with the goal to help students whose primary language is not English become proficient in English and succeed academically in school.
Speech/Language Pathologist
Our speech and language pathologists provide therapy to students whose learning is affected by problems with the way they sound letters, use language, or stutter. Students who have difficulty with vocabulary, sentence structure, following directions, or speaking in any language may be candidates for language therapy.
Special Education
Loving Municipal Schools provides special education and related services for students with disabilities from birth to age 21 according to individualized plans developed by teachers, parents, and other professionals. You may request an evaluation of your child to determine eligibility for special education at any time. We decide whether a student needs special education after completing a comprehensive assessment. Please contact a member of our special education team or your child’s principal to receive information about our special education programs.
Special Needs
The Loving Municipal Schools provides a comprehensive program to serve children with special needs from birth to age 21. We identify children from birth through five years of age as having special needs through parent referral or through Loving Child Find screening clinics that we hold several times a year.
Pecos Valley Regional Educational Cooperative #8
The Pecos Valley Regional Educational Cooperative #8 (PVREC) employs professionals who are qualified to diagnose and treat learning problems in preschool children. The PVREC assists the districts in complying with local, state, and federal requirements and in serving communities. It provides services for children with disabilities from birth to age 21.
The FIT program sends therapists and early interventionists into the homes of children with disabilities from birth to age three. It also provides regular relief services to these families.
The DD preschool services include special education and related therapy services for three- and four-year-olds in Head Start and center-based programs.
Student Assistive Team (SAT)
The SAT assists the teacher of a student with learning or behavioral difficulties in finding ways to help the student achieve success.
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Physical and occupational therapists provide therapy to students whose IEP identifies them with physical disabilities. Physical therapists treat limbs below the waist, while occupational therapists treat the upper portion of the body.
Social Worker
The school social workers act as a liaison among children, family, and school to coordinate intervention services. They aid in the identification of students' needs and complete student/family assessments and evaluations. The social worker provides services for students to help remove social, emotional, and behavioral problems that impede school progress. These might include individual and group counseling, crisis intervention services, and providing support and encouragement by emphasizing personal strength.
Special Education & Services Team
Angelica Chavez
Liz Moore-Campbell
Social Worker
Send Email to Liz
Patricia Green
Occupational Therapist
Send Email to Patricia